Monday, 9 January 2012


I am a little bit obsessed with fennel at the moment. Its almost medicinal, aniseed taste seems lust right at this time of year: clean and invigorating. I usually eat it raw, cut as thinly as I can manage (which is not very) and doused with proper vinaigrette or just some oil and then a squeeze of lemon. A few chopped anchovies are good here too (I used to east this a lot at university partly because I like it and party to gross out my housemates who though it was pretty much the most revolting thing you could put in your mouth. More fool them.) Don’t forget to include any of the bright green fronds of fennel-the-herb that might be poking out of the top of the bulb. I haven’t had it braised yet this year but when I do I might try adding some parmesan and breadcrumbs for a bit of crunchy contrast.